Generating solar leads is essential for your business’s success. Although this is not the easiest or the most pleasant part of your work, it is nevertheless vital. The good news is that you don’t have to rely on cold calling alone. There are many other strategies you can put to practice for generating solar leads. All you need is a little creativity combined with a bit of hard work to get all the leads you need. Let’s take a look at a few ideas on generat9ing leads for solar panels now:
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Get Listed
When people are looking for a product such as solar panels, they are most likely to search online via a search engine. Directories are likely to appear first when using the search engine. What this means is that you need to get listed on industry association directories. These are for consumers who are after a trusted source of information. Directories that you need to list your business on include NABCEP and SEIA.
If you are not using social media, then you are missing a trick. Pretty much everyone uses social media these days, and it is the perfect place to boost brand awareness and connect with customers. Instagram is great for you to use as it can attract homeowners who have an interest in solar energy. It is a great place to showcase images and videos of your products.
Be Present in Communities
There are many communities online and in the real world. So, you need to create an active presence on both. Join groups and offer free expert advice. Just do a simple search online for communities in your area which are associated with your product.
SMS Marketing
Everyone has a phone, and this makes sending out a text a powerful source of solar lead generation. However, you need to build a base of phone numbers first. You can buy these, of course, or send out messages with keywords such as SOLAR SUN and encourage people via promotion to text you back.
Run Ads that Target People Who are Actively Interested in Solar Panels
In this case, some of the hard work has already been eliminated. These people are already interested in your product. Use Google ads and set up some of these tools. In-market ads are designed to show ads to people who are actively looking at solar panels. Remarketing is approaching people who have previously hit your website, app, etc. Using keywords means that ads are sown to anyone who types in a word into Google with relevance to your product. There are many ad tools that Google offers. So, be sure to investigate and use them appropriately.
Facebook is another great free tool you can use. You can create homeowner groups and join groups and again offer free expert advice. Facebook allows you to write more in your posts as opposed to Instagram, which is more about the image. So you have more of an opportunity to explain and teach.