Have you noticed that website design plays an increasingly important role in marketing your products and services? It’s a trend that will continue to grow in importance.
Moreover, the return of file formats that were once key to web development—IETF HTML5 and CSS3, for instance—could be a sign that we are nearing a new era of human-centric web design.
Ecommerce websites are far from being just about “stuff.” They’re about empowering their users to buy things. And while a good website design must include many practical elements (such as a consistent user experience), it should also have a lot of features that delight and engage users.
And yes, aesthetics matter. You want your ecommerce website to look good, sound good, and load well.
If you’re considering an ecommerce website redesign, we’d like to show you one of the many ways you can boost sales and boost conversions.
We’re going to start with some general rules of thumb, which are a great starting point, and then elaborate on how you can use static and animated icons to boost conversions and land sales.
Modern Ecommerce Icons
While Ecommerce looks very different than traditional web development, a great deal of the same design principles apply. Here’s what you need to know when you design animated ecommerce icons.
Use solid colors: Whether you’re using color on a website’s home page or in an overlay, you want to use solid colors, not pale ones. A lot of time, you can’t get much of a contrast between the different colors if you’re using too many pinks, greens, or blues.
Use a consistent design: You should try to keep a single look and feel across your website and on all the pages within it. It helps the users trust that your site and all of its elements belong to a single company.
Seek a balance: The goal should be to use colors and typefaces that appeal to everyone, from a casual consumer to a more serious shopper. You want to be able to pick up a product and read the text without getting distracted by anything too strange.
Make it personal: A personal touch is one of the most important elements in any ecommerce website. Not only should you use your company’s branding, but you should also use elements of your own company’s personality. You’ll be able to get better results if you keep that in mind.
When it comes to all aspects of your ecommerce website, make sure you balance the usability of the text and graphics with the aesthetics. Even if people do pay attention to your text or figure out how to accomplish a task on your site, they’re less likely to keep returning if they’re getting distracted by the website’s design and its interface.
Use Modern Design Icons
If you want to attract a broader audience, you need to change the way your visitors perceive your website. And there are many ways to do this, including images.
We’ll talk about the pros and cons of using full-sized icons in this section, but rest assured that in general, you’re going to want to take advantage of modern icons.
Not only are icons easier to use and more familiar to consumers, but they’re also more visually engaging.
Often, the icon on a page is also a link.
Images are consistent. They look good across devices. And you can choose a variety of high-resolution, large-pixel icons.
You will have a hard time incorporating lots of small icons into your design, or they’ll compete for attention with text and other elements.
Now it’s your turn
Whether you’re planning an ecommerce redesign or just want to increase your conversion rate, one of these tips is sure to help. So let us know how you’re thinking about ecommerce design, and leave a comment below!