Many people mistake a back rub with a massage. While the back rub is usually done by laymen and only supposed to feel good, a real massage can have a healing effect: It can relax tensions, reduce water retention, help us improve our posture and also have a positive impact on our general condition. In order to get the biggest effect out of a massage, it’s important to know what to look for in a massage therapist.
How Do You Know You Need a Massage?
To some people, massages seem to be an unnecessary luxury. And even though they’re usually something extraordinary, they shouldn’t be considered luxury. If our body longs for a massage, the benefits can improve our general health. But what signs should you pay attention to?
Most people have so many stress factors in their lives and can’t just reduce them. In order to deal better with the stress, it takes something to relieve it. Massages are a great solution. As a good massage reduces the production of stress hormones, you´ll feel relaxed afterwards. Headaches may be another sign telling you to get a massage, as they can derive from tensions in the neck or in your back. If you have a job where you´re sedentary most of the time, a massage can work wonders, too. Even though sitting per se isn’t dangerous, it can harm your health in the long run, if you don´t reduce the tensions deriving from it.
If you don´t have a good posture or if you experience pain and limited mobility, it might be due to very old and deep-rooted tensions. A good Tantric massage London therapist may be able to relax those and to give some quality of life back to you.
Types of Massage
Depending on what your physical ailments are, there are different types of massage that work best. The following massages are the most popular ones: deep tissue massage, Thai massage, Swedish massage and hot stone massage. Good therapists also offer specific pregnancy massages as well as massages for athletes.
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How Can I Find the Right Massage Therapist?
The effect that a massage has on your well-being mainly depends on its quality and on how suitable the type of massage is for your individual needs. Finding a good massage center in Lahore is fairly easy as there are many good therapists. Before booking an appointment, check the following criteria.
Identify Your Goals and Health Status
Ask yourself what the purpose of the massage should be: reducing stress, relaxing tensions and contractions, reducing chronic pain, improving your posture or even enhancing for work or sports performance? For a therapist, it´s also good to know whether your physician recommended you to get a massage or if you believe that a massage could help you with your ailments. In this article, we´re not referring to erotic massages.
Get Some Names
Once you know what purpose the massage shall serve, it´s easier to gather information about massage centers that cover your needs. Asking friends and family can be a great option to find out about possible therapists and their performance, but your physician should be able to give you names, too.
Consider Your Personal Preferences
Identifying your goals and collecting names are very important steps when it comes to finding the perfect massage therapists. But afterwards, you need to narrow that list down depending on your personal preferences. If you wouldn´t feel comfortable with a male massage therapist, you can dismiss the male ones – and vice versa with females.
Make sure to check where the massage centers are located, as that, too, may be an important criterion: A massage should be relaxing and not confront you with any additional stress.
How Do You Recognize a Good Massage?
When you first try a new massage therapist, only book one or two appointments. Even though others might have been happy with the massage, chances are that you´re not. But how could you tell? It´s a cliché that you should feel sore the day after a massage. Instead, try to listen to yourself:
Have your tight or tangled muscles loosened up? Does your pinched nerve feel any better? Have you regained mobility? Are your migraines and neck pains becoming less regular and less intense? These things will make you realize whether the massage was a success or not. If it was, it can be wise to book further appointments to keep the improvements coming – especially with deep-rooted tensions, because it might take a while to completely loosen those up.
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